God of the Hebrews] To the Israelites God is 'Jehovah, the God of your fathers' (Exodus 3:16), a designation which would appeal to their hearts as it reminded them of God's covenant, with their forefathers and His faithfulness to it. See on Exodus 3:6. But to Pharaoh He is simply 'the God of the Hebrews.'

Three days' journey into the wilderness] i.e. most probably to Horeb, the 'wilderness' being a general term for the region lying between Egypt and Palestine. There was no intention to deceive Pharaoh in this request. Had Pharaoh been willing to grant the people entire release this would have been asked at first. But God, knowing that Pharaoh was not willing to let them go, enjoined Moses to make only this moderate request, so as to emphasise the obstinacy of the king.

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