A wall] RM 'a slight wall,' the vain defences of Jerusalem. And one built, etc.] RV 'and when one' (the people) 'buildeth up a wall, behold they '(the false prophets) 'daub it,' etc. Untempered morter] or whitewash. The. false prophets could only give the wall a specious appearance of strength.

(c) False Prophetesses Denounced (Ezekiel 13:17)

True prophecy was represented by women like Deborah, Huldah, and Noadiah, as well as by men, and false prophecy was also practised by women in Ezekiel's day. In their hands it was accompanied by various superstitious rites and ceremonies (Ezekiel 12:18), and seems to have been a species of fortune-telling. As such it might be popular and seem harmless, but it was mercenary, ensnaring, and fatal to souls (Ezekiel 12:18). It discouraged the righteous and encouraged the wicked (Ezekiel 12:22). These women would find their occupation gone(Ezekiel 12:20; Ezekiel 12:23).

The punishment of their iniquity] RV 'their iniquity.'

Punishment.. punishment] RV 'iniquity.. iniquity.'

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