Jeremiah 34:1-22

JEREMIAH'S EIGHTEENTH PROPHECY (REIGN OF ZEDEKIAH). THE FATE OF ZEDEKIAH. THE TREATMENT OF HEBREW SLAVES Early in the campaign of Nebuchadnezzar, whose scheme of conquest included all the region as far as Egypt inclusive, the policy urged by Jeremiah was that Zedekiah should make the best terms he... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 34:3

THINE EYES SHALL BEHOLD.. THE KING, etc.] i.e. at Riblah, before being blinded and carried to Babylon: see Jeremiah 39:7; Jeremiah 52:9, and cp. Jeremiah 32:4; Ezekiel 12:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 34:7

AGAINST LACHISH, AND AGAINST AZEKAH] IN SW. of Judah near the border of Egypt. Nebuchadnezzar would not venture to advance into that country on his career of conquest, leaving these fortresses untaken. 8-22. The masters of Hebrew slaves to be punished for their cruel treatment of them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 34:13

OUT OF THE HOUSE OF BONDMEN] The point is that Israel's position at the time when the covenant was made, as having themselves been delivered from Egyptian slavery, should have taught them better.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 34:17

The people shall no longer as hitherto be under God's protection as His servants, but be thrown by Him on their own resources, and so exposed to their perils.... [ Continue Reading ]

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