Joshua 4:1-24

THE DOUBLE MEMORIAL OF THE PASSAGE OF JORDAN The main subject of the chapter is the memorial cairn set up at Gilgal, which is described in two sections, Joshua 4:1 and Joshua 4:20, separated by the record in a single v. (Joshua 4:9) of another cairn set up in the midst of Jordan, and by a long pare... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 4:5

PASS OVER BEFORE THE ARK] Apparently the twelve, who with the rest of the host have already crossed to the W. bank, are bidden to return to where the priests are still standing with the Ark in the midst of Jordan, to set up a cairn of twelve stones (Joshua 4:9) on the spot in the river bed and to ta... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 4:19

THE TENTH _DAY_ OF THE FIRST MONTH] i.e. Abib or Nisan (March-April). They would reach their camp at Gilgal just in time to select the Paschal Lamb (Exodus 12:8) to be slain on the fourteenth day: see Joshua 5:10.... [ Continue Reading ]

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