Growth and spiritual development of Jesus. The information may have been gained from the mother herself. Waxed strong in spirit] RV omits 'in spirit.'

Filled with wisdom] lit. 'becoming full of wisdom': cp. Luke 2:52, 'increased in wisdom.' As Jesus was perfect God and perfect man, so He possessed completely the attributes of both natures. As God He knew all things, but as man He 'waxed strong (in spirit), becoming filled with wisdom,' and 'increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.' As an infant He possessed the knowledge proper to an infant; as a boy, that proper to a boy; as a man, that proper to a man; as the anointed Messiah (Luke 3:22), that proper to one commissioned to establish the Kingdom of God on earth; and as the ascended and glorified Redeemer, that proper to one who, as man, and not simply as God, rules the entire universe (Matthew 28:18). What this means we may not be able to say, but we may rest assured He still feels for man, and understands his needs. Although it was always possible for Him who was God as well as man, to draw, if the needs of His mission required it, upon the inexhaustible stores of His divine knowledge (cp. John 1:48), yet it was His usual custom to obtain His information through human channels and from human sources, and, even as a teacher, to use chiefly the ample stores of His super-naturally enlightened human knowledge. This supernatural enlightenment far exceeded both in range and in penetration that granted to the greatest of the prophets—it was the knowledge which was granted to the Incarnate Son for the purpose of communicating to man the Father's perfect and final revelation; but it was limited in accordance with its object, and did not embrace matters which it was inexpedient for man to know, and therefore for the Incarnate Son to reveal: see on Mark 1:32, and cp. Acts 1:7.

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