Numbers 19:1-22

THE SACRIFICE OF THE RED HEIFER In order to provide a special means of purification for those who are defiled by contact with a dead body, a preparation called the 'water of separation' is made from the ashes of a red heifer and other ingredients. The origin of this rite may have been connected wit... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 19:2

Sacrificial animals are usually males. The use of a female in this case may be intended to symbolise the imparting of new life to those who have been defiled by contact with death. The same thought may underlie the regulation as to colour, red being the colour of blood which is the token of life: cp... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 19:9

WATER OF SEPARATION] RV 'water of impurity,' i.e. water for the removal of (ceremonial) impurity: see on Numbers 8:7. 11-16. The persons for whom this 'water of impurity' is provided are those who have touched a dead body or anything connected with it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 19:11

Owing to the mystery connected with death a dead body is regarded, not only among the Jews but among other nations of antiquity, as eminently dangerous and communicating defilement in the highest degree. Moreover, such ceremonial defilement is easily associated with the idea of sin, as death is the... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 19:12

WITH IT] i.e. with the 'water of impurity.' 17-22. The method of purification. The ashes of the heifer are mixed with water from a running stream or spring, and sprinkled upon the unclean person or thing. This is done on the third day after the defilement has been contracted. On the seventh day the... [ Continue Reading ]

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