Art not thou our God?Didst not Thou, our God, drive out, &c. (Comp. Joshua 23:5; Joshua 23:9; Deuteronomy 4:38; Deuteronomy 11:23; and for the form of appeal, Isa. Ii. 9, 10. Comp. also Psalms 47:3.)

And gavest it to the seed of Abraham. — According to the Promise, Genesis 13:15; Genesis 15:18.

For ever.Genesis 17:8, “for an everlasting possession.”

Thy friend. — Or, lover. So Isaiah 41:8, “seed of Abraham, my friend.” This title of Abraham is mentioned again by St. James (James 2:23). Hebron, the patriarch’s burial-place, is at this day known to the Muslim world as el-Khalil, “the Friend.”

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