BLESSED Lord! rebellious as I am, and unworthy of the least of thy mercies, yet, Lord, for thine own great name's sake, let my covering be the covering of thy

Spirit; and let me never seek strength from the Egypts of this world, in an arm of flesh, or the false confidences of the heart. Oh! precious Lord Jesus! be thou my strength, and salvation, and my sure help in every time of need! And let that sweet promise of thine, everlastingly stay me; the Lord waiteth to be gracious; waiteth, not only to give the mercy in the best time, but to prepare his people for the best, and most timely enjoyment of it. Let this be my case, O Lord. Do thou prepare me for the true apprehension of thyself, and of all thy mercies. And when my Lord hath made room in my poor soul for himself, by driving out every other thought, and affection; then may my God and Saviour, come and take the entire possession, and reign and rule there, the Lord of life and glory!

Most gracious Lord! how ought my soul to praise thee, for thy graciousness to Zion, in the present hour; that amidst all the languishing state of thy Churches, thou art still merciful in preserving to us our ordinances. Yea, Lord, thou hast not, as our backslidings have deserved, removed our candlestick out of its place. Our sabbaths, we still enjoy. Thy holy word is still in our houses. Our teachers are not shut up in a corner. Oh! for grace to see our mercies and oh! for the

Lord's blessing upon them, that they may be rendered blessings indeed to us, and our souls made blessed in the use of them! But is there not, O Lord, cause to fear, that since, in the present day, the light of gospel truth, compared to former times, is as the light of seven days in one; if the nation that is called by thy name, loveth darkness rather than light, because her deeds are evil, that thine indignation, as this chapter sets forth, will burn as a devouring flame? Is there not reason indeed to dread, that the Lord will put a bridle in the jaws of the people causing them to err? And as they persist in despising this Christ, and do not like to retain God in their knowledge: the Lord will give them over to a reprobate mind? Almighty God! in reading thy judgments, mingled with mercy, I would rejoice indeed, but rejoice with trembling. Oh! give to my soul songs in the night. The present hour is an hour that needs such mercies. Do thou, Lord, impart them to thy people, as in the days of old. And now, while thy Church standeth as upon a sea of glass, let the song of Moses and of the Lamb be the song of all thy redeemed: Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty! just and true are thy ways, thou king of saints.

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