Reader! in pondering the several weighty and important things contained in this chapter, let us both look again and again to the Almighty Author of his holy word, to accompany our reading of it with his gracious teaching. Jesus, when he sent forth the seventy disciples here spoken of, to the work to which he called them, sent them forth only to the city, or place, whither he himself would come. And without the Lord's presence with us, what can we hope to enjoy of the Lord's grace and blessing? We see in Chorazin and Bethsaida the awful event of Gospel Ordinances, unaccompanied with the divine favour. Lord! in mercy grant the doom of Capernaum may never fall on our British Israel!

Amidst this awful view, help me, thou dear Lord Jesus, help every truly regenerated Reader to rejoice in what thou hast said of Satan's fall, as lightning from Heaven. Oh! for a heart renewed by grace to sing that song which John once heard in vision: Now is come salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And oh! the greater joy still, than that of treading on serpents and scorpions, to know our names are written in Heaven. Secured by this in God the Father's everlasting love, we are One with Christ, and Christ with us; and sealed by God the Holy Ghost, unto the day of eternal redemption. Oh! Holy Father! taught by thy dear Son, let every renewed soul praise thee, that though these things be hidden, from men who are worldly wise, and prudent in their own eyes, yet hast thou revealed them unto babes. All which we humbly and thankfully refer unto thine own sovereign will and pleasure. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight!

Precious Lord Jesus! give us grace to hail thee, thou great Samaritan! Surely it is thou, and thou alone, which fully answereth to the character, thou thyself hast drawn, when from heaven thou camest down to this our world, to seek and save that which was lost. Lord! thou wilt bring thy whole redeemed home, though wounded by Satan, and dead in trespasses and sins! And oh! for grace, that until that hour comes for thy return, thy people may not be found like Martha cumbered with the many things of this unsatisfying, dying, sinful state; but through thy grace giving the power, like Mary, we may choose that good part which cannot be taken away.

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