READER, short as this Psalm is, yet what glorious things are contained in it! What volumes are folded up in its bosom. Here is enough to excite inquiry, and to exercise contemplation upon the person and work of Jesus to all eternity.

Let us seek grace to gather every improvement from it, which God the Holy Ghost evidently designed, in causing it to be written for the use of the church; and while we learn from it, that the earth, and all its inhabitants, the lower and the higher world, the kingdoms of nature, providence, and grace, are all his right, both as one with the Father, God, and by donation as God and man, Mediator; let us cheerfully give our God and Saviour the glory due to his most holy name, and know that none but the man Christ Jesus ever had, right in himself, from the perfect holiness of his nature, to ascend the holy hill; and the only claim of his people is founded in him. Reader, let us pray for grace, that we may tremble to seek acceptance in any other way. Let Jesus have all the glory, for the whole work hath been his.

And blessed it is to look to Jesus, as a whole Saviour, to whom we come in the last moment of our pilgrimage state, as we came the first moment we found our need of a Saviour, poor and needy in ourselves, and made rich only in him.

And oh! thou glorious Holy One, before whom heaven's gate and everlasting doors were thrown open for thine entrance, give me to see, Lord, that every bar and obstruction which stood in thy way to my heart thou last thrown down. Do thou, blessed Jesus, for thou art strong and mighty, even the Lord mighty in battle, do thou drive out the strong men armed, that have kept me so long in the vassalage of sin. Come in, thou blessed Lord! wherefore standest thou without. Take full possession of my poor heart, and bring down every thought into captivity, and every imagination to the perfect obedience of thee, my God. Oh for grace to be thine now, and thine to all eternity. Amen.

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