Seal, Signet.

Stones on which words, letters, or symbols are engraved. Anciently these were pierced, and by a cord or chain were hung from the arm or the neck, or they were set in rings and worn on the finger. The design was impressed on pieces of clay which were attached to official documents, which in the East are not considered authentic without being sealed. Exodus 28:11; Esther 8:8, Esther 1:8; Job 38:14; Daniel 6:17. The seal was also used to ensure security, or to preserve the sanctity of things not to be revealed. Isaiah 29:11; Daniel 12:4, Daniel 1:12; Matthew 27:66; Revelation 20:3; Revelation 22:10.

A covenant was sealed by Nehemiah and those with him. Nehemiah 10:1. The believer, in crediting what God says of man, and of God's salvation, virtually attaches his seal (vouches for the fact) that God is true. John 3:33. "The foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his [God's side]; and, Let every one that nameth the name of the Lord depart from iniquity [man's side]." 2 Timothy 2:19. This is an illustration of a double-seal turning on a pivot, of which either side could be used.

The roll in Revelation 1:5 had seven seals, so arranged that by breaking one seal a certain portion could be unrolled; and each seal was broken in succession until the whole was revealed.

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