Rehearse re-hurs' (sum, dabhar, naghadh, tanah; anaggello): Usually means simply "to relate," "to tell," "to declare" (Exodus 17:14, Judges 5:11, 1 Samuel 8:21, 1 Samuel 17:31, Acts 14:27); with "rehearse from the beginning" in Acts 11:4 for archomai, "begin" (so the Revised Version (British and American)). the Revised Version (British and American) has preserved uniformity by translating anaggello by "rehearse" also in Acts 15:4, and has introduced "rehearse" as the translation of exegeomai, throughout (Luke 24:35, Acts 10:8, Acts 15:12, Acts 15:14, Acts 21:19), except in John 1:18 ("declare"). Wisdom of Sirach 19:7, the King James Version has "rehearse" for deuteroo, "repeat" (so the Revised Version (British and American)).

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