Anah Son of Zibeon, son of Seir the Horite; father of Aholibamah, Esau's wife (Genesis 36:2; Genesis 36:14; Genesis 36:20; Genesis 36:25). I (See tid=170) "Aholibamah, daughter of Ahab, daughter of Zibeon," is tantamount to granddaughter, i.e. descendant from Zibeon; not that Anah was "daughter of Zibeon," for Genesis 36:20 calls him" son (i.e. grandson) of Seir." Those descendants alone of Seir are enumerated who, being heads of tribes, were connected with Edom; so Anah is mentioned because he was head of a tribe, independently of his father.

As sprung from Seir, he is called a "Horite," i.e. a dweller in caves or troglodyte; also a "Hivite," a branch of the Canaanites; also he is named "Beeri the Hittite," the "Hittites" being the general name for "Canaanites" (Genesis 26:34). "Hirite" is thought by some a transcriber's error for "Horite." instead of "mules" (Genesis 36:24) translate yemin "water springs"; not as Luther, "he invented mules" (Leviticus 19:19), but "discovered hotsprings" (so Vulgate and Syriac vers.) of which there are several S.E. of the Dead Sea, e.g. Callirrhoe in the wady Zerka Maein; another in wady el Ahsa, and in wady Hamad; whence he got the surname Beeri, or "the spring man." Judith is the same as Aholibamah.

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