I am glad of the coming of Stephanas,… for they have refreshed my spirit and yours.

Spiritual refreshment

These three honoured members of the Corinthian Church came to consult the apostle on matters of faith and practice. But their visit was not simply official, for they were personally attached to Paul, and his grateful language is suggestive of the refreshment of spirit which is the result of Christian association.

I. The need of spiritual refreshment.

1. Work may weigh down the soul as well as the body.

2. Trials such as desertion, disappointment, may dispose to melancholy.

3. Living much alone is wearisome; the energies flag, the work suffers.

II. Its appointed agents. Letters and books are precious, but often inadequate. Living fellowship with those likeminded with ourselves has a peculiar power in restoring the equilibrium of the soul. Paul felt, as we do, it hard to work without the smiles and personal encouragements of his friends.

III. Its means. The presence of Christian friends is much, but the opening of their hearts, the inquiry concerning our successes and failures, are more.

IV. Its results.

1. Depression gives way to cheerfulness.

2. Weariness to vigour.

3. Sluggishness to vivacity.

4. Despondency to hope. (Prof. J. R. Thomson.)

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