Eppure ha riempito le loro case di cose buone - Questo è senza dubbio un sarcasmo pungente. Giobbe aveva sostenuto che tali persone erano prospere. “Sì”, dice Elifaz, “le loro case erano ben riempite! Furono notevolmente benedetti e prosperarono!”

But the counsel of the wicked is far from me - This is the very language of Job, Giobbe 21:16. It is used here sarcastically. “Far from me,” you say, “be the counsel of the wicked. Thus you defend them, and attempt to show that they are the favorites of heaven! You attempt to prove that God must and will bless them! Far from me, say I, be the counsel of the wicked! With them I have no part, no lot.

I will not defend them ... I will not be their advocate!” The object is, to show that, notwithstanding all that Job had said, he was secretly the advocate of the wicked, and stood up as their friend.

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