1 Cronache 16:1

XVI. (1) SO THEY BROUGHT THE ARK OF GOD. — 1 Cronache 16:1 are wrongly separated from the concluding verses of 1 Cronache 15. The narrative is still parallel to 2 Sam. (2 Samuel 17-19 a). The differences are unimportant. GOD. — Samuel, _Jehovah._ AND SET IT. — Samuel adds, “in its place.” AND TH... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:2

THE BURNT OFFERINGS. — Heb., _the burnt offering,_ as if one great holocaust were meant. This verse is identical with 2 Samuele 6:18, only omitting _Sabaoth_ at the end, a Divine title which was perhaps obsolete in the chronicler’s day. HE BLESSED THE PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF THE LORD. — Comp. Numeri... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:3

TO EVERY ONE ... — Literally, _to every man of Israel from man unto woman._ Samuel has, “to all the people, to all the multitude of Israel, from man,” &c. A LOAF (_kikkar_). — _A round cake_ (1 Samuele 2:36). The parallel in Samuel has a less common word (_hallath_)_,_ meaning a sacrificial cake pu... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:4

AND HE APPOINTED CERTAIN OF THE LEVITES. — Literally, _put, placed_ (Genesi 3:12). TO MINISTER. — Literally, _ministering_ — _i.e., as ministers._ The object of the appointment is defined by the words which follow: “both to remind, and to thank, and to praise Jehovah, the God of Israel.” Each verb... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:4-42

(4-42) THE INSTITUTION OF A MINISTRY FOR THE ARK. THE ODE SUNG ON THE DAY OF INSTITUTION. This entire section is peculiar to the Chronicle. 1 Cronache 16:43 is almost identical with 2 Samuele 6:19. Compared, then, with the older text, this relation of the chronicler’s looks like a parenthesis inter... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:5,6

The names of the persons appointed — ten Levites and two priests — all of whom but one, Jahaziel, were in the procession described in 1 Cronache 15:19. ASAPH THE CHIEF, AND NEXT TO HIM (his second) ZECHARIAH. — See 1 Cronache 15:18. JEIEL. — A scribe’s error for “Jaaziel” (1 Cronache 15:18). WITH... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:6

JAHAZIEL. — Not mentioned in 1 Cronache 15, unless he be the Eliezer of 1 Cronache 16:24. The number of these musicians is twelve, suggesting the twelve tribes of Israel. WITH TRUMPETS. — Clarions, or straight trumpets. CONTINUALLY. — The Hebrew term is a special one, denoting _at fixed and regula... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:7

(7-36) An ode of thanksgiving appropriate to the occasion. (7) THEN ON THAT DAY DAVID DELIVERED FIRST THIS PSALM. — Rather, _On that day then_ (viz., after the Ark had been placed in its tent, and the minstrels appointed) _David originally committed the giving of thanks to Jehovah into the hands of... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:8

GIVE THANKS. — The same Hebrew verb as in 1 Cronache 16:4, “to thank.” Salmi 105 is a _tôdâh,_ or thanksgiving, hence its use here. CALL UPON HIS NAME. — Invoke His help, appealing to Him by His revealed name of Jehovah. (Comp. Salmi 3:1; Salmi 5:1; Salmi 7:6, and many others.) MAKE KNOWN. — Israe... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:9

SING PSALMS. — The word implies a musical accompaniment. TALK YE. — A third term for _singing. Chant ye._ HIS WONDROUS WORKS. — _His wonders,_ or _miracles._ The word means _things separate, distinct,_ and so _out of the common_ (Esodo 3:20).... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:11

AND HIS STRENGTH. — Comp. Esodo 15:2; Isaia 26:4 : “Jah, Jehovah is a rock of ages” (Heb.). HIS FACE. — His presence, especially in the sanctuary. True devotion is the secret of moral strength.... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:12

La seconda strofa di Salmi 105 OPERE MERAVIGLIOSE. — _Meraviglie,_ come in 1 Cronache 16:9 . LE SUE MERAVIGLIE. — I _suoi presagi; _ατα del Nuovo Testamento. I GIUDIZI DELLA SUA BOCCA. — Le sue dichiarazioni giudiziarie, che si eseguono. (Comp. Genesi 1:3 ; Esodo 12:12 .) DELLA SUA BOCCA. — Salm... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:13

SEME D'ISRAELE. — Salmi 105:6 dice: "Abramo". “Israele” migliora il parallelismo, ed è probabilmente una correzione. Il siriaco e l'arabo hanno "Abramo". IL SUO SERVO. — LXX., “suoi servitori”. (Comp. "servo di Geova" come titolo di Israele in Isaia.)... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:15

SII CONSAPEVOLE. — Salmi 105:8 , terza strofa, inizia: «Si è ricordato», cioè «si ricorderà certamente» della sua antica alleanza; e l'esilio e l'oppressione del suo popolo possono essere solo transitori (Comp. Salmi 111:5 . ) L'espressione è qui modificata, per adattarsi a circostanze diverse, e f... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:16

ANCHE DEL PATTO. — Queste parole dovrebbero essere cancellate. L'oggetto è ancora _la parola_ della promessa. CHE HA FATTO. — Letteralmente, _ha tagliato. _Stessa frase di Aggeo 2:5 . CON ABRAMO. — Genesi 22:16 . AD ISACCO. — Ebr., _Yiçhâq. _ Salmi 105:9 ha la forma più debole, _Yishâq_ ( Amos 7:... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:17

E HA CONFERMATO. — In Salmi 105 il senso è futuro. LO STESSO. — _Esso_ — _cioè_ la parola ( 1 Cronache 16:15 ). PER UNA LEGGE = per decreto fisso.... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:18

LA TERRA DI CANAAN. — In ebraico il ritmo è qui guastato dall'omissione di una particella ( _eth_ ) _, che si_ trova in Salmi 105:11 . IL LOTTO. — Letteralmente, _come la linea di misurazione_ (comp. Salmi 16:5 ), cioè come il tuo dominio misurato o ripartito.... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:19

Inizia qui la quarta strofa di Salmi 105 . QUANDO ERAVATE POCHI. — Il salmo dice “quando [cioè i vostri padri] erano pochi; “e così LXX. qui. POCHI. — Letteralmente, _uomini di numero_ = facilmente contati. (Comp. Genesi 34:30 .) STRANIERI IN ESSO. — _Sojourners,_ μέτοικοι ( Genesi 23:4 ).... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:20

AND WHEN THEY WENT FROM NATION TO NATION. — _And they went._ This shows that the third plural (“when they were”) is original in the last verse. The reference is to the wanderings of the patriarchs. AND FROM ONE KINGDOM. — The conjunction is prosaic, and is not read in Salmi 105:13.... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:21

This verse was originally the apodosis to 1 Cronache 16:19. as in Salmi 105 : “When they were but few... and went from nation to nation... he suffered no man,” &c. HE SUFFERED NO MAN. — Heb., _he permitted to no man,_ as in 2 Samuele 16:11.Salmi 105 has the mere accusative, and a different word for... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:22

SAYING. — Omitted in the Hebrew, as in Salmi 2:6, and perhaps at the end of 1 Cronache 16:7, _supra._ MINE ANOINTED (ones). — Plural of _Messiah._ Abraham and Sarah were to be progenitors of _kings_ (Genesi 17:16). (Comp. Genesi 23:6.) MY PROPHETS. — Literally, _do no harm against my prophets_ — a... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:23-33

(23-33) See Salmi 96. This psalm, in the Psalter, consists of five strophes or stanzas of six lines each — an artistic arrangement which has been violated here. The subject is the extension of Jehovah’s kingdom over all the world, a thought familiar to the readers of the Book of Isaiah, where most o... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:34

O GIVE THANKS UNTO THE LORD... — Several of the later psalms begin with this beautiful liturgic formula. (See Salmi 106; Psalms 107, 118, 136.; and comp. Geremia 33:11.) The ode thus concludes with the thought from which it started (1 Cronache 16:8).... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:35,36

See Salmi 106:47. (35) AND SAY YE. — Not in Salmi 106:47. The compiler or interpolator has added it here in order to connect 1 Cronache 16:34 (Salmi 106:1) with 1 Cronache 16:35 (Salmi 106:47). It was doubtless suggested by Salmi 96:10 : “Say ye among the nations, The Lord reigneth.” O GOD OF OUR S... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:37-42

(37-42) Resumption and conclusion of the narrative suspended at 1 Cronache 16:7. (37) SO (and) HE LEFT THERE. — Were the above ode interposed by the chronicler himself, he might better have written, “And David left.” AS EVERY DAY’S WORK REQUIRED. — Literally, _for a day’s business in its own day_... [ Continua a leggere ]

1 Cronache 16:43

Questo versetto è un duplicato di 2 Samuele 6:19 a. PARTITO. — plurale; Samuel ha singolare. RESTITUITO. — Anzi, _girava_ ( 1 Cronache 10:14 ). Samuele è "tornato", che in ebraico è molto simile. L'episodio che qui segue in 2 Samuele 6:20 (l'incontro di Mical con Davide) viene omesso dal cronista... [ Continua a leggere ]

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