‘This beginning of his signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and revealed openly his glory, and his disciples believed on him.'

The whole account illustrates to John that here is One Who will take the old ceremonies (the jars of purification) and replace them with a new and vibrant reality, the wine of the Kingly Rule of God. The water of the old religion will become the wine of the new, which will introduce a new and wonderful future, a time of joy and fruitfulness, a Messianic Feast of overflowing plenty. God has saved the best until last. The Messiah is seen as here at last to satisfy men's deepest needs, and by His actions He reveals His glory as the provider of God's richest blessing. This is why John can call it a ‘sign', indeed the first sign, of the purpose Jesus has come to fulfil. The incident strengthens and confirms the faith of the disciples (v. 11). It indicates that in one sense His hour has begun. This sense of the importance of the timing of all that He does comes out again in John 7:6.

But we must not just stop at the symbolism. It was also a remarkable miracle indicating Jesus' power over nature. It was a reminder that ‘all things were made by Him' (John 1:3). It thus also indicated that He was the Son of God, God's powerful Word. The miracle happened as a result of His words (‘whatever He says to you do it').

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