Adam Brought Sin And Death For All Into The World, Because All Have Sinned (5:12-14).

Having previously proved that all men have sinned (Romans 1:18 to Romans 3:20), Paul now introduces the clinching argument in terms of our descent from Adam. The effect of Adam's sin is to be seen in that all men subsequently die, demonstrating once more that all have sinned (compare Romans 3:23).

Note how powerfully Paul sets up ‘sin' as a principle at work in the world, almost as though it was personal, a theme which continues throughout Romans 5:12 to Romans 8:13. Sin entered into the world (Romans 5:12). Sin was in the world (Romans 5:13). Sin reigns over men (Romans 5:20). Men can be servants of sin (Romans 6:16). Sin pays wages (Romans 6:23). Sin seizes its opportunity to make men exceedingly sinful (Romans 7:8). Sin can beguile us and kill us (Romans 7:11). Sin works death in us (Romans 7:13). Indeed, as with the snake in Genesis 3, we can see behind ‘sin' the subtle hand of the great Deceiver. The whole world lies in the arms of the Evil One (or ‘of evil' - 1 John 5:19). But we must not in consequence confuse the two. In the end it is man who is responsible for what he does, and sin is part of what he has become.

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