‘For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.'

Paul closes this part of his letter with this final assurance of God's love for His people revealed through Christ Jesus our LORD. He stresses that it is a love from which it is totally impossible to be separated, and he then lists and dismisses ten possibilities of things which might attempt to separate us from His love. Made in the light of the whole passage from Romans 8:38 onwards it is a guarantee of the security in Christ of the true believer. And it is a reminder that God's purposes are not only determined by fiat but are undergirded by His love. Nothing can prevent their fulfilment.

The list is mainly made up of pairs, some contrasting, but in order to leave room for the cover-all ‘any other creature' and still achieve the number ten (indicating completeness), it was necessary to have one other description not included in the pairs, and thus we find ‘powers' in a place by itself. Too much must not be made of this. Paul is more concerned to cover every possible opponent rather than to be too choosy. ‘Death nor life' covers every possibility of day to day occurrence. Death is the great enemy of man, an ever present grief, but for the true Christian it cannot separate us, or our Christian loved ones, from His love. ‘Life' covers all things that can occur in life. He makes all things work together for good for those who love Him. ‘Angels nor principalities' cover all possible spiritual adversaries. We need not fear the powers of darkness. ‘Things present nor things to come' cover all events in the flow of history both now and in the future. ‘Powers' covers all who have authority whether in the spiritual realm or on earth. Its not being linked with ‘principalities' possibly puts the emphasis on earthly powers. ‘Height nor depth' probably signifies ‘nothing in Heaven and earth' (compare Ephesians 4:8; Isaiah 7:11). ‘Nor any other creature (thing in creation)' covers all that we might think has not been included. The point being underlined is that NOTHING can separate us from God's love in Christ Jesus our LORD, the love which has been revealed in all that Paul has written from Romans 1:2 onwards. As Christians we are totally secure in His hands (compare John 10:27). God's activity on our behalf is guaranteed.

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