The Behaviour of Women. Public prayer, characterised by the right spirit, must be offered only by men. Women's part is to dress modestly, finding their chief adornment in good works. They may neither teach in public nor rule. Their's is the inferior position (a) because woman was created later than man; (b) because, while his first sin was deliberate, hers was due to the ease with which she was deceived a proof of her unfitness to guide others. Nevertheless, exhibiting the Christian virtues in her natural sphere and functions, woman shall thereby work out her salvation. Cf. p. 650.

1 Timothy 2:8. lifting, etc.: this attitude, pagan as well as Jewish and Christian, denoted expectation of blessing.

1 Timothy 2:9. Cf. 1 Peter 3:3 ff. shamefastness: the modesty of womanly reserve.

1 Timothy 2:11. Cf. 1 Corinthians 14:34 f.

1 Timothy 2:12. to teach: i.e. publicly; cf. Titus 2:3.

1 Timothy 2:13. Cf. 1 Corinthians 1:18 f.

1 Timothy 2:13 f. Such arguments belong to Paul's day rather than our own (cf. Deissmann, Paul, pp. 103 ff.).

1 Timothy 2:15. the childbearing: cf. Genesis 3:16, and (for man's case) Genesis 3:17. The interpretation through the Childbearing, i.e. the Messiah's birth, is less suited to the argument.

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