received Not the same Greek word as before: this denotes the spontaneous acceptance of the Messiah by individuals, whether Jews or Gentiles. He was not specially offered to any individuals as He was to the Jewish nation.

power i.e. right, liberty, authority. We are born with a capacityfor becoming sons of God; that we have as men. He gives us a rightto become such; that we receive as Christians. Comp. John 5:27; John 10:18.

to become Christ isfrom all eternity the Son of God; men are empowered to becomesons of God. Comp. Matthew 5:45.

the sons of God Omit -the:" children of God. Both S. John and S. Paul insist on the fundamental fact that the relation of believers to God is a filialone. S. John gives us this fact on the human side; man -must be born again" (John 3:3). S. Paul gives us the Divine side; God by -adoption" makes us sons (Romans 8:16-17; Romans 8:21; Romans 8:23; Galatians 4:5).

even to them that believe Explains who are the sons of God. The test of a child of God is no longer descent from Abraham, but belief in God's Son.

on his name The construction -to believe on" is characteristic of S. John: it occurs about 35 times in the Gospel and 3 times in the First Epistle; elsewhere in N.T. about 10 times. It expresses the very strongest belief; motion to and repose on the object of belief. -His Name" is a frequent phrase in Jewish literature, both O. and N.T. It is not a mere periphrasis. Names were so often significant, given sometimes by God Himself, that a man's name told not merely whohe was, but whathe was: it was an index of character. So -the Name of the Lord" is not a mere periphrasis for -the Lord;" it suggests His attributes and His relations to us as Lord. Perhaps the name of Logosis specially meant here; and the meaning would then be to give one's entire adhesion to Him as the Incarnate Son, the expression of the Will and Nature of God. Comp. John 3:18; John 20:31.

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