The Testimony of the Baptist to the people

29. The next day These words prevent us from inserting the Temptation between John 1:28. The fact of the Baptist knowing who Jesus is shews that the Baptism, and therefore the Temptation, must have preceded the deputation from Jerusalem. The Evangelist assumes that his readers are well acquainted with the history of the Baptism and Temptation.

the Lamb of God Evidently some Lamb well known to John's hearers is meant, viz. the Lamb of Isaiah 53 (comp. Acts 8:32); but there may be an indirect allusion to the Paschal Lamb. With -Behold" comp. John 19:5; John 19:14: with -of God" comp. Genesis 22:8.

which taketh away, &c. These words seem to make the reference to Isaiah 53, esp. John 1:4; John 1:10, clear. The marginal reading, beareth, is not right here (1 John 3:5).

the sin Regarding it as one great burden or plague.

of the world Isaiah (Isaiah 53:8) seems to see no further than the redemption of the Jews: -for the transgression of my peoplewas he stricken." The Baptist knows that the Messiah comes to save the whole human race, even those hostile to Him.

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