We now enter upon the second main division of the Gospel. The Evangelist has given us thus far a narrative of Christ's Ministry presented to us in a series of typical scenes (John 1:18 to John 12:50). He goes on to set forth the Issues of Christ's Ministry (John 13:13-20). The last chapter (John 13:21) forms the Epilogue, balancing the first eighteen verses (John 1:1-18), which form the Prologue.

The second main division of the Gospel, like the first, falls into three parts: 1. the inner Glorification of Christ in His last Discourses (John 13:13-17); 2. the outer Glorification of Christ in His Passion (John 13:18-19); 3. the Victory completed in the Resurrection (John 13:20). These parts will be subdivided as we reach them.

13 17. The inner Glorification of Christ in His last Discourses

1. His Love in Humiliation(John 13:1-30); 2. His Love in keeping His own(John 13:30 to John 15:27); 3. the Promise of the Paraclete and of Christ's Return(John 13:16): 4. Christ's Prayer for Himself, the Apostles, and all Believers(John 13:17).

Chap. John 13:1-30. Love in Humiliation

This section has two parts in strong and dramatic contrast; 1. the washing of the disciples" feet (1 20); 2. the self-excommunication of the traitor (John 13:21-30).

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