Much more i.e. as to our apprehension. After this amazing first step of unmerited love we can, with less surprise, rely on its gracious continuance.

now "As the case stands."

by his blood Lit. in His blood. If "in" is to be pressed, the idea may be that of washing, (Revelation 1:5,) though this would not be strictly germane. It is most difficult to pronounce on such uses of "in" in N. T. Greek, in which "in" certainly often = "by." See on ch. Romans 1:9.

saved i.e. "kept safe," till the final preservation at the last day. See 1 Thessalonians 1:10, where lit. "Jesus, who rescues us (or, is our rescuer) from the wrath to come." Not only did He once die as our Propitiation, but, as the sure sequel, He lives, now and ever, to be, every moment, our accepted Representative and Intercessor; a Saviour in permanence. See Romans 8:34.

wrath Lit. the wrath; the wrath of final doom. The justified shall be preserved by their Lord unto, and through, even that crisis. Cp. John 5:24; 1 John 2:28.

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