1 But men younger than I am make fun of me now I

Their fathers have always been so worthless

I wouldn-'t let them help my dogs guard sheep.

2 They were a bunch of worn-out men,

too weak to do any work for me.

3 They were so poor and hungry

they would gnaw dry roots
at night, in wild, desolate places.

4 They pulled up and ate the plants of the desert,

even the tasteless roots of the broom tree!

5 Everyone drove them away with shouts,

the way you shout at a thief.

6 They had to live in caves,

in holes dug in the sides of cliffs.

7 Out in the wilds they howled like animals,

and huddled together under the bushes.

8 A worthless bunch of nameless nobodies!

They were driven out of the land.

9 Now they come and laugh at me;

I am nothing but a joke to them.

10 They treat me with disgust;

they think they are too good for me,
and even come and spit in my face.

11 Because God has made me weak and helpless,

they turn against me with all their fury.

12 This mob attacks me head-on;

they send me running; they prepare their final assault.

13 They cut off my escape and try to destroy me;

and there is no one to stop them.

14 They pour through the holes in my defenses,

and come crashing down on top of me;

15 I am overcome with terror.

My dignity is gone like a puff of wind,

and my prosperity like a cloud.

16 Now I am about to die;

there is no relief for my suffering.

17 At night my bones all ache;

the pain that gnaws me never stops.

18 God grabs me by my collar

and twists my clothes out of shape.

19 He throws me down in the mud;

I am no better than dirt.

20 I call to you, God, but you never answer;

and when I pray, you pay no attention.

21 You are treating me cruelly;

you persecute me with all your power.

22 You let the wind blow me away;

you toss me about in a raging storm.

23 I know you are taking me off to my death,

to the fate in store for everyone.

24 Why do you attack a ruined man

who can do nothing but beg for pity?

25 Didn-'t I weep with people in trouble

and feel sorry for those in need?

26 I hoped for happiness and light,

but trouble and darkness came instead.

27 I am torn apart by worry and pain;

there is nothing but suffering ahead.

28 I walk in gloom and there is no comfort;

I stand up in public and plead for help.

29 My voice is as sad and lonely

as the cries of a jackal or an ostrich.

30 My skin has turned dark; I am burning with fever.
31 Where once I heard joyful music,

there is now only mourning and weeping.



There is a great contrast throughout this chapter. What is it?


Who are these strange ungrateful men of Job 30:1-8?


What caused these men to show change in their attitude toward Job?


What is said of weak old men in verse two?


In what sense could these men be called desert rats?


The diet of these men indicates almost starvation. Why all this emphasis?


Are there many men today who live in such a miserable manner? Would they mock? Discuss.


The places of living of these miserable men and Job are somewhat alike. How?


These men are like braying horses. Explain.


Sons of no nameWhat gave them this position?


The point of verses one through eight is given in verse nine. What is it?


The height of insult is reached in verse ten. What is it?


What is meant by the reference to cord in Job 30:11?


What is the image created in Job 30:12?


Job is a besieged city under attack. How graphic is the description! Point out examples.


Job is blown away. Explain Job 30:15.


Job's suffering has given him a very despondent view of life. Why?


At night pain somehow seems much worse. Is this the thought of Job 30:17? There is more. Discuss.


Explain in your own words the meaning of Job 30:18.


God looks on and sees all but says nothing. Is that the thought of Job 30:20?


In what sense does Job see God as cruel to him?


Express in your own words the meaning of Job 30:22.


Is the grave the end as suggested in Job 30:23?


Job says God is not keeping the golden rule. Is this the thought of Job 30:24. Discuss.


Job was grieved for the needy. He wept for those in trouble. What is implied by saying this as in Job 30:25?


Virtue does not always produce happiness. Why?


Job is more than worried. Explain Job 30:27.


There is difficulty in translating the first phrase of Job 30:28. What is meant?


How is Job like a jackal or ostrich?


The disease affects the skin. How? Discuss.


Job used to play harp and a pipe. For what purpose. To whom?

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