What the Law could not do. The Law, which Jews were so proud of, could not change human nature. It had no real answer for the problem of sin and death. It was not the righteous demands of the Law that were weak, but human nature. There were many devout and holy men under the Law, but the fact that they were friends of God was due to the grace that would come through Christ (Galatians 3:8; Hebrews 9:15). By sending his own son. God acted in history by sending the Eternal Logos in human form with exactly the same nature as ours! The Son of God could take the humanity of his human mother Mary without any sinfulness. Some teach "original sin" to mean that sin itself is built into human nature, and this requires them to invent an "immaculate conception" for Mary to explain the sinlessness of Jesus. But not sin itself, only the guilt and destruction it brings, forms part of our human nature. To do away with sin. He did this by: (1) his sinless life (under human limitations;) (2) his death to cancel sin; (3) his rising from death to life, which we can reach out and seize through faith (Romans 6:4).

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Old Testament