Every day, Christians must obey the truth. This will make their life pure. Psalms 119:9 says, ‘How can a young man live a pure life? When he lives the way that God’s word tells us’. The Bible is God’s word. The Bible is truth.

As Christians become purer in their lives, they will have a deeper love for each other. They will not have evil thoughts and feelings about other Christians. To have sincere love means they really care about other people. They mean what they say. People are not sincere when they just pretend to love other people.

‘Have a sincere love for all Christians’. The *Greek word for ‘love’ in this sentence describes the love that brothers and sisters have for each other in a family. All Christians are members of one very big family. God is their Father. We have Christian brothers and sisters who live in every country of the world.

‘So continue to love each other deeply from your heart’. This word ‘love’ comes from another *Greek word that describes the pure love of God. This love always gives more than it takes. Paul describes it in 1 Corinthians 13. Christians should love each other in the same way that God loves them. To love deeply means that love is strong.

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