Paul was still trying to show that nobody taught him about Jesus Christ. Paul did not go to Jerusalem for three years. By then, he was a mature Christian. The Christians in Jerusalem were afraid of Paul (then called Saul) when he went there (Acts 9:26-30). They did not believe that he was a real Christian. So Paul met only two *church leaders in Jerusalem. These two men were Peter and James. In Jerusalem, Paul taught the *good news about Jesus. Peter and Paul probably talked together about Jesus. They also probably spoke about the work that God had given to each of them. And perhaps they also discussed their experiences. James was not one of Jesus’ 12 *disciples. Acts 12:1-2 describes how King Herod killed another man called James, who was a *disciple. But the James whom Paul mentioned was Jesus’ brother. And he became a leader in the *church at Jerusalem (Acts 12:17; Acts 15:13). Paul’s visit to Jerusalem was short. The *Jews tried to kill him, so he had to leave quickly.

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