Isaiah 2:2-3 painted a picture in words. One day all nations will flow to *Jerusalem to praise the *Lord. Now Isaiah refers to that event again. This universal party is still in the future (see Matthew 22:2-10). The wonderful meal of the very best food and wine is for everybody in the world. (This is simply a very splendid picture in words. No city in the present world could possibly entertain everybody!)

• The New Testament refers to this event as the wedding supper of the Lamb of God. (Jesus is called the Lamb of God. A lamb is a young sheep. When the *Temple existed, people would offer lambs as sacrifices (gifts) to God. In the same manner, Jesus died as a sacrifice because of our evil deeds). This event will be in New *Jerusalem (see Revelation 21:2), and not in the present city of that name.

• God’s special people enjoyed a party because of God’s original *covenant (see Exodus 24:11). Now Isaiah looks forward to another party. This will be to show the time when God’s *covenant is for all nations.

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