God delights (is very pleased) to show *pity (Micah 7:18). Christ himself is the Christian’s great *calm (Ephesians 2:14). The Holy Spirit is the agent of love (Romans 5:5).

• Jude’s prayer is of permanent value for all whom God calls. That is, for believers in every age. All Christians constantly need *pity and *calm and love. Only God can provide such qualities.

The writer changes his intention

v3 *Dear friends, I was eager to pass on some thoughts about the sweet benefits that we share as Christians. But sudden bad news has forced me to change my intention. I hear that a dangerous situation is developing in your church. But you do not seem to realise what is happening.

We are God’s holy people. I urge you to fight hard to preserve the truth that God has made known to us. That truth is permanent, once and always.

v4 Certain wicked men have joined your church secretly. Long ago God warned that this would happen. And he has already decided on the severe punishment that such men will suffer. Men of this character do not respect God. They have changed God’s *grace into something evil. They are enemies of our only Master and *Lord, Jesus Christ. These evil men say that God’s *grace gives them liberty. So they do whatever they like. They have sex with anyone that they desire. And they refuse to obey Jesus Christ. Yet he is Master and *Lord of all.

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