HEBREWS—NOTE ON Hebrews 10:26 after receiving. The author refers especially to people within the Christian community, who have thus heard the truth. The fact that they go on sinning deliberately even after receiving knowledge of the truth indicates that the people in view are not (and never were) genuine believers. No longer remains a sacrifice for sins could refer to the inability of willful, unrepentant sinners to be restored (see Hebrews 6:4). More likely it means there is no place to turn for forgiveness once they have rejected Christ’s sacrifice. All people face judgment (see Hebrews 9:27), and apart from Christ’s sacrifice his adversaries receive eternal damnation. These verses, then, are a means God uses to call genuine Christians to faith, obedience, and perseverance; and, if there is no evidence of fruit in one’s life, to challenge such people to fearfully consider whether they are in fact genuine believers.

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