Drinking the Milk of the Word

Having emptied their lives of the above, Christians should vigorously and repeatedly seek the milk of the word, just as a baby cries for milk which is his only source of food. After all, Christians are babies in the gospel (see 1:23 and its comments). At the end of 1 Peter 2:2, the American Standard Version reads, "that ye may grow thereby unto salvation." Thus, the Christians' longing for and feeding on the word causes them to grow in Christ toward the final purpose of a home in heaven.

Concerning 1 Peter 2:3, Kelcy notes that "if" in the original does not express any doubt, but is a statement of fact. Peter's words come from Psalms 34:8 as it appears in the LXX, or Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures. The thought is that the milk of the word tastes good and produces good results so Christians will continue to have a strong desire for it.

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