Christ, "A Living Stone"

In the Christian's constant seeking after the milk of the word, he will be coming again and again to the Lord. Peter described Him as "a living stone." Christ is a living stone in two ways. He is alive from the dead to die no more and he is a source of life to his followers (Acts 2:22-24; John 14:6; Romans 6:23). Thayer says this word "stone" describes a building stone. Such a stone would be purposefully cut out for use in a particular work, which would well describe Christ (1 Timothy 1:15; Luke 19:10).

The last part of 1 Peter 2:4 comes from Psalms 118:22, which Jesus applied to himself and his kingdom in Matthew 21:42-46. Peter also used this same passage in his first speech before the council (Acts 4:11). While men did not see Jesus as filling their needs and so rejected him, Woods says literally he was "by the side of God...chosen" and precious, or worthy of honor.

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