"To the Elect Lady and Her Children"

John is thought of as the author of 2 John. This is because of the testimony of ancient authorities as well as the fact that this letter is so similar in style and basic thoughts to 1 John. Since the writer uses the definite article "the" in reference to himself as an elder, we assume this refers to his age and not an office he held.

The rules of Biblical interpretation tell us to take something literally unless the literal meaning contradicts other clear teachings of scripture. On that basis, we conclude the elect lady, or elect Cyria, was a literal lady who had literal children. Some have thought this was a church and the children its members, but the context would have to be taken figuratively when nothing demands it. John truly loved her, as did many others who knew the truth, probably because of her great service. One reason John loved her was because he was of the truth and she was in the truth. Despite all the problems soon to come, John was confident the truth would continue to abide in himself and other Christians (2 John 1:1-2).

It takes God's grace to save sinful man (Ephesians 2:8). He had mercy on men in the terrible grip of sin, and that brought a peace beyond man's ability to express himself (1 Peter 1:3; 1 Peter 4:6-7). Grace, mercy and peace come from the Father and Son, which, among other things, shows their oneness. They belong to the Christian because of obedience to the truth and the love that flows out of it (2 John 1:3).

John had somehow met some of the lady's children away from home and was happy to report they were living faithfully. To live in accord with truth is synonymous with keeping the Father's commandments. Since her children were living faithful lives, John also encouraged her to love the brethren, as had been taught from the beginning of the gospel. Note, John says "we", since he was likewise directed by the Lord to love the brethren (John 13:34-35). If one really loves the brethren, he will obey the commandments and thereby set a good example before those he loves (2 John 1:4-6; 1 Timothy 4:12-16; 1 John 2:7-11).

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