1 Peter 3:9 ‘not returning evil for evil, or insult for insult, but giving. blessing instead; for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit. blessing.'

‘not returning evil for evil' -‘to give up or back' (Vine p. 277) Peter has been talking about acting like. Christian in all our relationships. We may not be. slave with. hard master (1 Peter 2:18), but we face similar situations. We must be prepared to act like. Christian even when we find ourselves the subject of slander or abuse. Points to Note: 1. We are not given the right to take revenge (Proverbs 20:22; Romans 12:21). 2. No pay backs! We are not to get ‘even'. Because we can never get even. Paying back evil for evil, doesn't make us even, rather, it makes us both lost! 2. Taking personal revenge is “evil”. It is just as “evil” as what was done to you. 3. Paul revealed that in many lawsuits the person suing is often motivated by the same evil attitudes as the person that initially wronged them (1 Corinthians 6:1).

‘or insult for insult' -‘hard words with hard words' (Knox). Revenge is wrong, whether that revenge is in deed or words. ‘The NT….go far beyond simply not taking vengeance and leaving it to the Lord; the command is, instead of attacking or insulting those who attack and insult…to bless the persecutor.' (Davids p. 126)

‘giving. blessing instead' -‘to invoke blessings upon one' (Thayer p. 259); ‘lit., to speak well of' (Vine p. 132). The present tense. 1. ‘The reason given in the gospels is that they ought to imitate the goodness of God even to undeserving sinners (Matthew 5:45; Matthew 5:48; Luke 6:35).' (Grudem p. 147) 2. See also (1 Corinthians 4:12; Romans 12:14). ‘The idea is to “call down God's gracious power”…to invoke gracious things from God.' (Hamilton pp. 146-147). 2. This doesn't mean that we call ‘evil-good' (Isaiah 2:20). And neither does it mean that we excuse the sins of others. Rather, giving. blessing would include praying for them, that they could also be saved (Matthew 5:44). Someone has said that it is hard to keeping on hating. person while you are praying for them. 3. This statement also reveals our true worth and value. Anyone can curse, swear and threaten. But not just anyone can ask God for. blessing. Have you ever looked at yourself in that light? You can bring happiness and blessings into the lives of others, even your enemies!

‘for you were called for the very purpose that you might inherit. blessing' -In obeying the call of the gospel message (2 Thessalonians 2:14), we have inherited tremendous blessings (Ephesians 1:3), and still have blessings to obtain in the future (1 Peter 1:4). God already has and will bless us further, even though we were His enemies (Ephesians 2:1). Likewise, we are obligated to treat others in the way that God has treated us (Ephesians 4:32).

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Old Testament