Not rendering evil for evil

(μη αποδιδοντες κακον αντ κακου). Μη and the present active participle of αποδιδωμ, to give back. The same phrase in Romans 12:17 and the same idea in 1 Thessalonians 5:15. Peter may have obtained it from Paul or both from Proverbs 17:13; Proverbs 20:22, "an approximation to Christ's repeal of the λεξ ταλιονις (Matthew 5:38) which Plato first opposed among the Greeks" (Hart). Common use of αντ for exchange.Reviling for reviling

(λοιδοριαν αντ λοιδοριας). Allusion to 1 Peter 2:23 (Christ's own example).But contrariwise blessing

(τουναντιον δε ευλογουντες). Adverbial accusative and crasis (το εναντιον) of the neuter article and the adjective εναντιος (εν, αντιος, opposite, Matthew 14:24), "on the contrary." For ευλογουντες (present active participle of ευλογεω) see Luke 6:28; Romans 12:14 (imperative ευλογειτε).For hereunto were ye called

(οτ εις τουτο εκληθητε). See 1 Peter 2:21 for this verb and use of εις τουτο (pointing to the preceding argument).That ye should inherit a blessing

(ινα ευλογιαν κληρονομησητε). Purpose clause with ινα and the first aorist active subjunctive of κληρονομεω, a plain reference to Esau, who wanted "to inherit the blessing" (Hebrews 12:17) after he had sold his birthright. Christians are the new Israel (both Gentiles and Jews) and are the spiritual descendants of Isaac (Galatians 4:22).

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Old Testament