2 Peter 1:8 ‘For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.'

‘are yours' -They can be ours! This section doesn't present an impossible standard.

‘and are increasing' -Stresses continual growth. ‘There is no excuse for resting content with present attainment..Nor is there any room for indolence and the slackening of effort.' (Green p. 71) ‘Peter insists that this growth is our own responsibility-not that we are to “let go and let God”, as some Christians say.' (Lucas/Green p. 61)

‘they' -the previous qualities.

‘render you neither useless' -‘denotes inactive, idle, unfruitful, barren' (Vine p. 243). ‘useless, unproductive' (Arndt p. 104); ‘keep you from being ineffective' (RV)

‘unfruitful' -‘not yielding what it ought to yield' (Thayer p. 21) (Matthew 13:22; John 15:1)

‘in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ' -2 Peter 1:2. 1. The false teachers stressed “knowledge” apart from moral purity. Peter stresses that the true knowledge of God can only be attained by the person who grows morally (2 Peter 1:5-7). 2. All of the qualities previously mentioned are essential for one to have. full, rich and intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ. See 1 John 4:8; 1 John 2:4.

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Old Testament