And there also came together the multitudes from the cities round about Jerusalem, bring sick folk, and them that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.

'CITIES ROUND ABOUT JERUSALEM'-Such as Hebron, Bethlehem, Emmaus, Jericho, Lydda, and Joppa. What we are probably also seeing here is the beginning of congregations outside of Jerusalem. As people were converted and then went back home (Acts 9:32; Acts 9:36).

'SICK FOLK, AND THEM..'-Carefully note how the inspired writers distinguished between. physical illness and demon-possession. Contrary to the claims of some, the Apostles didn't assume that every disease was caused by. demon (Matthew 4:24).

'EVERY ONE'-Again, if. person could really heal, then they healed "every one" that was in need of healing.

As we close this section, McGarvey notes: 'Usually, in our modern experience,. great sin exposed in the church, such as that of Ananias and Sapphira, brings the church into disrepute for. time, diminishes the respect of it entertained in the community, and renders all efforts to add to its numbers futile. Why was the effect in Jerusalem the reverse of this?...It is quite evident that the difference depends on the very different way in which such scandalous conduct is now treated...made the whole community feel that here was. people among whom sin could not be tolerated. It was. safe place for. man who needed holy companionship to help him in the effort to live. holy life...People who wish to make. compromise with sin, and who join. church merely because they are afraid to live without some appearance of religion, will always avoid such. church; but those who are in earnest about the desire to save their souls and to do good, seek just such. church as their spiritual home..' (pp. 89-90)


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Old Testament