John 8:28. Jesus therefore said, When ye have lifted on high the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am, and that of myself I do nothing; but even as the Father taught me, I speak these things. They know not the truth now: when through their own deed the Son of man has been raised on high, their eyes will be opened, they will see what they have done, and will then know that His words were true, that the claims which they resisted the Father Himself has ratified. The ‘lifting on high' includes both the death and the glorification of Jesus, though the latter meaning only would be understood as yet (see the note on chap. John 3:14). Some prefer to place a stop at the word am, and to take the clauses that follow as independent. This view, however, seems much less natural than the other. The three parallel clauses containing the thoughts of (1) pure existence (as to what is implied in this, see John 8:24), (2) continued dependence on the Father in all action (see chap. John 5:19-20), and (3), as a part of such action, speaking in constant harmony with the Father's will and teaching (chap. John 5:30; John 8:26) express the claims made by Jesus, the truth of which (of each and of all) will be established when He is ‘lifted up on high.'

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Old Testament