Matthew 24:1. From the temple, i.e.., the exclusively Jewish part, inclosed from the court of the Gentiles. He never returned, and henceforth the temple was virtually desolate. The Apostles returned, holding out mercy still; the last rejection recorded is that of Paul (Acts 21:27 ff.), who was even accused of polluting it

Was departing. He lingered for a time.

His disciples. Mark (Mark 13:1): ‘one of his disciples.'

To shew him the buildings of the temple, i.e.., all the structures in the inclosure (see note on p. 171), especially the stones (comp. Mark and Luke), as His answer (Matthew 24:2) indicates. The immense stones (some of them forty-five cubits long, five high, and six broad) could be best seen from the court of the Gentiles; so also the great number of outer structures, some of them still in process of erection. The latter fact gives additional point to the prediction.

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Old Testament