Romans 16:3. Salute. ‘Greet' (E. V.) and ‘salute' represent the same word throughout the chapter.

Prisca and Aauila. ‘Priscilla' is the diminutive form, found elsewhere and in the versions and Fathers. The wife seems to have been the more prominent and active Christian; her name comes first in Acts 18:2, as well as here. Then as now, capacity and fidelity formed the standard. ‘This married couple, tentmakers like Paul (Acts 18:3), expelled from Rome as Jews under Claudius, had been converted at Corinth by Paul (see on Acts 18:1), had then migrated to Ephesus (Acts 18:18; Acts 18:26; 1 Corinthians 16:19), are now again in Rome; but, according to 2 Timothy 4:19, were at a later period once more in Ephesus' (Meyer). Their stay at Ephesus has been made the basis of the theory that this chapter (or Epistle) was originally addressed to that city; but persons of their trade would be apt to travel extensively.

Follow workers (so E. V. in Colossians 4:11) in Christ Jesus. They had wrought together at their common handicraft, but this refers to working for Christ, in Him as the sphere of activity. On the question whether ‘Prisca' publicly preached, comp. the Epistle addressed to the church where she first labored for Christ (1 Corinthians 14:34).

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Old Testament