Love [η α γ α π η]. The article has the force of your. See on loveth, John 5:20.

Without dissimulation [α ν υ π ο κ ρ ι τ ο ς]. Rev., without hypocrisy. See on hypocrites, Matthew 23:13.

Abhor [α π ο σ τ υ γ ο υ ν τ ε ς]. Lit., abhorring. The only simple verb for hate in the New Testament is misew. Stugew, quite frequent in the classics, does not occur except in this compound, which is found only here. The kindred adjective stughtov hateful, is found 1 Timothy 3:3. The original distinction between misew and stugew is that the former denotes concealed and cherished hatred, and the latter hatred expressed. The preposition ajpo away from, may either denote separation or be merely intensive. An intense sentiment is meant : loathing.

Cleave [κ ο λ λ ω μ ε ν ο ι]. See on joined himself, Luke 14:15. Compare Acts 17:34; 1 Corinthians 6:16.

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Old Testament