The God that.. fire] For the consumption of sacrifices by fire from heaven, cp. Leviticus 9:24; 1 Chronicles 21:26; 2 Chronicles 7:1.

In the minds of the multitude the question to be decided doubtless was not whether Jehovah or Baal was the sole god, but which of them was the more powerful god, and, therefore, had the greater claim upon the nation's devotion. It was not until a later date that it was explicitly asserted by the prophets that Jehovah was the only Deity and that beside Him there was no other (Isaiah 44:6; Isaiah 44:8; Isaiah 45:5). Elijah, as his mocking language in 1 Kings 18:27 suggests, must have come near to holding the same belief, though the fact that he denounced Ahaziah for consulting a foreign, not an imaginary, god (2 Kings 1:6) seems to imply that he had not quite attained to it.

The Lord.. God] better, 'Jehovah, He (not Baal) is the God'

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