The (Gentile) Thessalonian Church had suffered much at the hands of their fellow-countrymen, just as the Jewish Church had suffered from the unbelieving Jews. Here was a bond of union and sympathy between the two.

15, 16. A characteristic outburst. The Jews had followed St. Paul with unceasing hostility in Europe as well as in Asia. They have driven him from Thessalonica and Berœa, and were doing their utmost against him at Corinth. Theirnarrow exclusiveness (forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles) and hatred of other nations (contrary to all men) were a bitter trial to a patriot like St. Paul. To the uttermost] i.e. there was no longer any hope of their repentance or escape from their doom (Matthew 23:32). The end was close at hand.

17. 'Till Timothy's good report of you reached us, we were anxious about you, but now we rejoice and bless God for the news he brings, that you have stood firm under persecution.'

18. St. Paul generally uses the 1st person plural in these Epistles, including Silvanus and Timothy with himself. Here, however, he speaks for himself. The hindrance may have been an illness—probably malarial fever (2 Corinthians 12:7), or Jewish hostility. To St. Paul Satan is a real person (Romans 16:20; 2 Corinthians 11:14; 1 Timothy 1:20).

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