Egypt] According to Philo there were a million Jews in Egypt. They formed a large part of the population of Alexandria, where Judaism allied itself with the Platonic philosophy, and attempted to appropriate the best elements of Hellenic culture. Cyrene] A Greek city in N. Africa, founded 631 b.c. A quarter of its great population consisted of Jews, who possessed full rights of citizenship. See Matthew 27:32; Acts 6:9; Acts 11:20; Acts 13:1.

Strangers of Rome] RV 'sojourners from Rome.' They probably possessed the Roman citizenship, like St. Paul. Jewish prisoners were brought to Rome by Pompey, but they soon regained their freedom, and settled, with full civic rights, in a district beyond the Tiber. In 19 a.d. they were banished, but, after the fall of Sejanus, were allowed to return.

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