The king's daughter of the south] Berenice, the daughter of Ptolemy II (Philadelphus) was given in marriage to Antiochus 11 (Theos), the king of the north, who divorced his former wife Laodice. On the death of Ptolemy II Antiochus divorced Berenice and took Laodice back. Laodice poisoned Antiochus, and their son Seleucus (afterwards Callinicus) murdered Berenice and her child. She shall not retain.. she shall be given up] allusions to the fate of Berenice. Neither shall he stand] referring to the murder of Antiochus by Laodice. He that begat her, and he, etc.] read, 'he that begat her and strengthened her.' Ptolemy II is meant.

7, 8. Ptolemy III (Euergetes), the brother of Berenice, in revenge for his sister's death, invaded Syria (then ruled by Seleucus II, Callinicus), captured Seleucia, and returned to Egypt with much spoil.

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