Afterward] The prophets saw the future purposes of God realised one after the other without fixed intervals of time. Material blessings imply spiritual ones: both nature and man are to be renewed. My spirit] of knowledge or divine revelation, since it results in prophecy, dreams, and visions: a spirit of obedience is presupposed: cp. Jeremiah 24:7; Jeremiah 31:33.; Jeremiah 32:29; Ezekiel 11:19; Ezekiel 36:27; Ezekiel 39:29; Isaiah 32:15; Isaiah 44:3. All flesh] all classes of society, as the context shows. Your daughters] Women frequently had the prophetic gift in Israel. Under prophecy we may understand an utterance, through divine ecstasy or compulsion (1 Samuel 10:10.; Amos 3:8; Isaiah 8:11; Jeremiah 1:7; Jeremiah 20:9). Dreams, although belittled by Jeremiah (Jeremiah 23:28), and visions were frequent means of divine revelation: cp. Dreams, Genesis 20:3; Genesis 28:12; Genesis 37:5; Genesis 37:9; Visions Isaiah 6:1; Amos 7:1; Amos 7:4; Amos 7:7; Amos 8:1; Jeremiah 1:11; Ezekiel 1:1., etc. Since young men are dreamers and old men seers, it may be implied that youth shall have the knowledge of age and age the enthusiasm of youth.

29. All persons, even menials, receive the spirit.

30. Great events, according to the thought of the ancient world, were accompanied with striking historical and natural phenomena; hence the great Day of Jehovah, which involved the destruction of His enemies and the redemption of His people, would be heralded with wonders. Blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke] indications of warfare are the wonders in the earth.

31. Eclipses are the wonders in the heavens: cp. Amos 8:9; Isaiah 13:10; Ezekiel 3:27; Matthew 24:29; Luke 21:10.

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