Mary the mother of Joses] lit. 'Mary of Joses' (or 'of Joseph,' for that spelling is also strongly supported). Who was this Mary? She can hardly be the same as the 'Mary of James' in Mark 16:1, for the evangelist (even if drawing from different sources) would hardly describe the same woman as 'of Joses' and 'of James' in two consecutive verses. Nor is it easy to identify her with Mary the mother of James and Joses (Mark 15:40). She is not called 'Mary the another of James and Joses,' or even 'Mary of James and Joses,' but simply 'Mary of Joses' (or 'Joseph'). Hence it is most natural to translate, 'Mary the daughter of Joses' (Joseph), and to regard her as the daughter (or just possibly the wife) of Joseph of Arimathæa, or of some unknown Joses (Joseph).

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