Jesus visits the pool of Bethesda. He healeth one there, after thirty and eight years disease. He preacheth most blessedly to the Jews.

(John 5:1) After this there was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

I beg the Reader at this verse to remark with me, that John is the only Evangelist, which hath noticed all the Passovers during our Lord's ministry; and he hath marked down every one. And it is by virtue of this record, how unimportant soever it might otherwise appear, that we are able to calculate the length of Christ's going in and out before the people, from his baptism to his cross: which was just three years and half. The first Passover is noted John 2:13. This mentioned in this verse, was the second. The third, John 6:4. And the fourth and last, John 18:28. The Lord Jesus attending them, and what he said, particularly about the last, Luke 22:14 will serve to shew, how much he prized Ordinances. Psalms 87:2. And when he did away the Passover by his death, how graciously he instituted the holy supper in its place; as if to say, he expected all his family frequently to meet him there. 1 Corinthians 11:26; 1 Corinthians 11:26.

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