Je t'entendrai, dit-il, quand tes accusateurs seront aussi venus. Et il lui ordonna d'être gardé dans la salle du jugement d'Hérode.

Je t'entendrai - le mot composé [ diakousomai (G1251 )] implique 'une audition approfondie , '

Dit-il, quand tes accusateurs sont également venus. Et il lui a ordonné, [ keleusas (G2753 ) est préférable à ekeleusen ( G2753) du texte reçu]

A conserver dans la salle du jugement d'Hérode - `le prétoire; ' c'est-à-dire le palais construit à Césarée par Hérode, et maintenant occupé par les procureurs romains, dans l'un des bâtiments attachés auquel Paul a reçu l'ordre de rester.

Remark: Though Paul, when insulted before the Sanhedrim by the high priest, appears not free from human infirmity, his calm and fearless bearing as a witness for Christ. conscious of his innocence and superior to all personal and party considerations, stands out only to more advantage. And as the cheering visit which his glorified Lord vouchsafed to him that very night was evidence enough of the estimation in which he was held and the value put on his services by Him to whom they were so cheerfully rendered, so the remarkable discovery and defeat of the plot against his life, and the powerful protection provided for him on his way from Jerusalem to Caesarea, by one who knew nothing of the case, and who intended only the preservation of the peace and the securing of the ends of justice, showed that he and his cause were under a higher guardianship than man's; nor could he well fail to say within himself, as he traveled by night under an escort of nearly 500 hundred troops, to protect him against 40 assassins - "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them."

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